WeHo DUI Arrests in Decline, But Still High Among Nearby Cities


Drivers are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) three times a week on average in West Hollywood. That is according to the second part of a new report by WeHo by the Numbers, based on numbers from the California Department of Justice and others. The first part looked at DUI collisions. This part compares West Hollywood’s DUI arrests to nearby cities and examines the age and gender of DUI drivers.

weho by the numbers
David Warren

The chart above shows the number of DUI arrests in West Hollywood, along with the collision numbers for context. Arrests rose sharply in the last decade, peaking at 259 in 2011. The number fell to 154 — three a week — in 2014.

The report compares the number of arrests to Beverly Hills, Burbank, Culver City, Los Angeles and Santa Monica. The first comparison is based on the number of arrests per 1,000 residents licensed to drive. By that measure, West Hollywood was at the top among nearby cities in 2014 with seven. That was below the state average of eight.

The second comparison uses DUI arrests per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT). VMT is the sum of all the miles all vehicles traveled on the city’s streets in a year. Based on that metric, West Hollywood came in second among nearby cities in 2014, after Burbank. West Hollywood had 79 arrests per 100 million VMT.

DUI arrests in West Hollywood were concentrated among drivers in their 20s and early 30s. Over 60% were under the age of 35. Almost 70% were men.

To find out more, see the full report, DUI, Part 2: How many drivers are arrested for DUI in West Hollywood?

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