Stabbing Is Reported After WeHo’s Halloween Carnaval

Santa Monica Boulevard at Huntley
Santa Monica Boulevard at Huntley

Update: The West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station said this afternoon that there are three suspects being sought in the stabbing incident. Two people were wounded.

West Hollywood Sheriff’s deputies were investigating a stabbing incident on Santa Monica Boulevard at about 1:40 a.m. today, the only serious crime reported during the city’s annual Halloween Carnaval. One person had been brought to the Sheriff’s Station for questioning in the matter according the station’s watch commander. WEHOville readers on the scene said the incident appeared to involve both a man and woman, but that could not be confirmed.

According to one reader who alerted WEHOville to the incident, it occurred near the intersection of Santa Monica and Huntley Drive. The watch commander was unable to confirm the location or the number of people involved because the incident was still under investigation.

The Carnaval officially lasted from 6 to 11 p.m., but people were expected to remain in the streets until at least 3 a.m., said Sheriff’s Sgt. Enrique Mandujan.

There were a few medical calls including people fainting or having too much to drink.

Major road closures through 6 a.m. Sunday included Santa Monica Boulevard between Doheney Drive and Croft Avenue/Holloway Drive and San Vicente Boulevard between Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose Avenue.

Carnaval is the city’s largest event and is said to the largest Halloween festival in the world, with an estimated half-million attendees. This year Carnaval paid tribute to the 40th anniversary of the cult classic movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”

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8 years ago

Per, these are the assaults that took place around the Halloween festival: Date: 10/31/2015 9:00 PM Location: 8500 BLOCK SANTA MONICA BLVD Description: ASSAULT, AGGRAVATED: ADW – KNIFE Date: 10/31/2015 10:00 PM Location: 8800 BLOCK SANTA MONICA BLVD Description: ASSAULT, AGGRAVATED: ADW – KNIFE Date: 10/31/2015 10:30 AM Location: 8900 BLOCK SANTA MONICA BLVD Description: ASSAULT, AGGRAVATED: ADW – HANDS, FEET, FIST, ETC. Date: 10/31/2015 11:15 PM Location: LA CIENEGA BLVD & SANTA MONICA BLVD Description: ROBBERY, STRONG-ARM: Highway, Etc. Date: 10/31/2015 11:40 PM Location: 8700 BLOCK SANTA MONICA BLVD Description: ASSAULT, AGGRAVATED: ADW – KNIFE Date: 11/1/2015 12:10… Read more »

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
8 years ago

Alison – I wrote that weekly that there are similar crimes to the WeHo incident. Thank you so much confirming my point (“few crimes that week” of course says there were some, exactly as I said). I appreciate your buttressing my original point. Always appreciated!

J. Edgar H.
J. Edgar H.
8 years ago

Only three arrests made during the West Hollywood carnival in West Hollywood? Only three? In spite of well over half a million people at the event, such a small number in crime statistics. The Commanders of West Hollywood Sheriffs station must be feeling proud. Just do the math people, no major disturbances, no rioting or looting, no anti-government speeches or slurs of any kind. And at the end of the night, despite the huge massive crowds, only three arrests. No surprise there, considering the gay community is in an affluent upscale part of LA county, plus the gay community as… Read more »

8 years ago

Chris, you can make that map thing say anything you want it to. I deducted all the non assault with weapon crimes within 1 mile of Hollywood/Highland and there were few crimes that week. You are the one that can’t admit you are wrong. I am done with you! No Breeder – that is a very hateful name. The statement is also wrong. Even back then the event was advertised as everyone was welcome. It was NEVER just the gay guys. I remember going back in the 80s and there were plenty of straight people enjoying the evening along with… Read more »

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
8 years ago

The idea that there are 500,000 people there is ridiculous. How do people get there? Where do they park? Where (in a fairly limited space) do they stand? It’s likely closer to 100,000. Crowd control figures are always exaggerated, often by a factor of 3 or more. Balanced against that it does help (some) local business and a lot of people do have fun, this is one disruption (as opposed to the valid Pride and Marathon) I wouldn’t miss if it left. I do expect at some point our incredible good luck about lack of incidents or violence (totally against… Read more »

No Breeder Riff-Raff
No Breeder Riff-Raff
8 years ago

When it was just the gay guys back in the 80’s and early 90’s, we didn’t have stabbings or burning. The trouble level has gone up as more suburban straights came in uninvited.

8 years ago

This event has gotten too big in my opinion. It needs to be gated with an entry-fee like Pride or something. That will deter the “riff raff” from coming and keep it for only those participating and dressing up. Reports say there were close to 500,000 people. If you think about that…it’s really quite absurd we would even allow a congregation of that many folks in one area. I know NYC does it at Times Square..but they have the mass transit and crowd control to deal with it. We just don’t. Two years ago a man burned to death? A… Read more »

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
8 years ago

You’re making this WAY too easy for me Allison. I don’t expect you to admit you are wrong, but others can look at this map and make up their own minds.

8 years ago

Anyone getting stabbed is a horrific event. And last night, this horrific situation was EXACERBATED by no traffic control whatsoever on Melrose at the time all this was going down. It took me an hour to get from Melrose and Orlando to Melrose and West Knoll so I could get home from an outside event. When the stabbing was reported, and the decision made to send the victims to Melrose/Huntley to be evacuated to a hospital TRAFFIC CONTROL should have been sent to the corner ot La Cienega and Melrose to help divert any but the most essential traffic to… Read more »

8 years ago

No Chris, incidents like that do not happen at Hollywood/Highland weekly/daily. Just stop. Admit you were wrong for once. You are a piece of work – what appeal to fear? We, Brian Holt and I, are just calling you out on your ridiculous statement. You are the one that is not based in reality.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
8 years ago

Sorry folks, the level of lack of incident over the year at Halloween and Pride is amazing and incredible. One isolated event (important to determine if this was b/w strangers or people who knew each other, but minor difference) means we are incredibly safe and fortunate. I stand by my point totally and absolutely. Hollywood/Highland is like what, 3 miles away? Incidents like this happen there weekly if not daily. Count your blessings. And BTW – this appeal to fear is exactly why the Repubs may win next year – people read stuff, hear others pipe up, next thing you… Read more »

8 years ago

No Chris, a an extraordinarily great result would be NO stabbing incidents. Most years the Halloween carnival has no serious incidents (at least that is what they tell us). Public intoxication is usually the most serious offense they tell us about.

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