Sheriff’s Deputies to Conduct DUI/License Check in WeHo


dui logoThe Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Traffic Services Detail will conduct a DUI/driver’s license checkpoints on Saturday at an undisclosed location within the City of West Hollywood, between the hours of 7 p.m. and 4 a.m. Sunday.

Deputies will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment with officers checking drivers for proper licensing delaying motorists only momentarily. When possible, specially trained officers will be available to evaluate those suspected of drug-impaired driving. Recent statistics reveal that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. A study of active drivers showed more tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent). Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol.

DUI checkpoints serve as a deterrent to drunk driving and have been proved to reduce the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol or drug involved crashes. Research shows that crashes involving an impaired driver can be reduced by up to 20 percent when well-publicized DUI checkpoints and proactive DUI patrols are conducted routinely.

The impact of a DUI arrest can include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes and other expenses that can exceed $10,000.

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Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

Let’s see… checkpoints for average citizens who just want to get from A to B??? Law Enforcement asking for ‘papers’ and harassing your travel??? Checkpoints prove to do nothing to improve drinking and driving. It does violate law-biding citizens. Can I get an Amen? Will our mayor and council members stand up for freedom put a stop to this draconian exercise within the borders of WeHo and tell LASD “not in THIS town you won’t…!?!” Not to mention the waste of resources: Salary, OT, more officers than needed standing around drinking coffee fishing for a ‘reason’ to perform an illegal… Read more »

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